Kiki Rosatti
President, Kiki Rosatti Communications
Co-Creator, Powerful Public Speaking
Kiki Rosatti is a communication powerhouse, inspiring individuals, corporate teams, and political candidates to elevate their public speaking and on-camera presence. Her infectious energy makes her sought after by individuals and companies to enhance communication performance and presence.

Kristina Coggins
Star Power Consultant
Kristina Coggins is a professional actress with 13 years working on stage, television, and voiceovers and her love of literature prompted her to become an audiobook narrator and producer. Her extraordinary skills are mastering the art storytelling and performance.

Amy Carver
Star Power Consultant
Amy’s passion is to inspire, ignite, foster, and equip individuals, teams, and organizations in achieving breakthrough levels of contribution and success. Her 30 plus year experience in training, facilitating, and speaking engagements include Transformative Communication, Executive and Emerging Leadership Development, and ‘Healthy’ Conflict Engagement.